Lavola Summer of Cowardice Tour – Thank You

Hey guys,
I wanted to briefly check in and let you know that Em and I are in 1 piece (and fully rested). More importantly, I want to thank you for making Summer of Cowardice an amazing experience for us.
Finally meeting you peeps in person after years of support was truly special.
Seeing familiar faces was just as special, as well.
Thank you for the tour gifts (Bobby, your gifts and gift wrapping skills are on point), the conversations, & the warm welcomes. I can confidently say that you guys really get our music and are some insanely talented and nice people.
Expect more tours to come in the future, especially as we gear up to record more music in the future (namely a couple of the new songs you heard us tour recently).
Moving on, here are some other Summer of Cowardice highlights. br>
Austin – Playing a second set behind The Rattle Inn for a few of you who wanted to hear Mary, Your Skull. This was my personal favorite date of the tour despite not having slept for over 48 hours.
Houston – getting behind the drums again.
New Orleans – You were a trip. The show itself was pretty relaxed. Good hangs with Tom Cooper at the show, too. He wrote a fantastic novel I just finished reading titled The Marauders (which recently got signed on by AMC for a TV series). Look out for that, it’s going to be insane.
Lastly, I have to shout out one of the other acts at The Neutral Ground, Clint Kaufmann. This guy turns poop jokes into excellent songs. Kazoo game is also on point. Personal favorite is “Balls Hang Low.”
Sanford – Pretty great sound at The West End. Good hang, Boxwood. And Josh and Chris! Playing to you guys is always a treat.
Boca Raton – Please Excuse the Blood encore at The Funky Biscuit. Such a blast playing with Beauty to The Moon for their album release show. Emily has been a fan of theirs for quite a while. On an unrelated note, some dude told me that my “swag was on another level” which is an interesting compliment. So this blog page will henceforth be refered to as iamswag. In his honor.
Anyway, thanks again. See you around.
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