A Festival, an Open Mic, and One Really Big apple | LAVOLA

So, Lavola has a blog now. That’s a thing! Not sure if you guys got the memo, but I’ll make sure it comes through to ya loud and clear. As I write this, my brain is dripping out of my ear bit by bit. I took an Advil around 2, but it doesn’t seem to be helping. Maybe it’s because I cannot wait for…
This Saturday! Julian is playing with his other band the Astrea Corp at Radioactive Records in the afternoon. But then we’re high tailing it to WPB so we can play the Respectable Street Block Party. I’ve never played this before, but I’ve only heard good things. Lavola will be on the street stage, which means I will probably attempt to face walk. Then Julian plays AGAIN with Astrea at 11h30 inside Respectable’s. It’s nice to have something to look forward to throughout the work week, and shows always seem to be a beacon of hope. And speaking of work week beacons…
We’re actually playing another open mic tonight! I’ve been on an open mic kick recently, since it’s a (mostly) relaxing way to shake off the dust and also grab a cup of coffee (in the evening) that I might not have otherwise. And I always need coffee. Maybe that’s actually why I have a headache now- because I didn’t have ANY coffee today. That is a feat indeed.
We’re playing tonight at the Geek Easy in Winter Park. Last night, there was a great (and polite!) crowd at the Sleeping Moon Cafe. All of these semi-last minute performances make me feel both excited and proud to be able to make music on such a consistent basis.
And then there is the Big Apple. New York City. A week from today, Julian and I will be flying into LGA to explore, eat pizza, act hip, and eat more pizza. But we also have a show at Fontana’s on October 10th! I can’t even believe that it came up so fast. I’m not prepared! I am not worthy! I AM NOT HUMAN!
(I might have been exaggerating the last part just a little.)
I’ve never actually played a rock gig in the city, so I’m stoked to see what the crowd and people will be like. That will definitely be one to check off on the totally-awesome-things-to-do-before-becoming-an-old-fart list. Tell your super chill, swag-tastic Brooklynites and Manhattanites and all the other burrough-ites you can think of to come and support us. I cannot wait.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this semi-brief but also semi-informative blog. I’ll be on here more frequently to update our favorite masochists on the comings and goings of Lavola. Until next time!
The Lavolette (Emily)
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